AGM & Breed Dinner
17th March 2025
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - August 2018 Issue 155 Contents this issue: 1. President's Report 2.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - June 2018 Issue 154 Contents this issue: 2 NZHA President's Note. 3 Hereford Prime NZ.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - Aril 2018 Issue 153 Contents this issue: POWER OF THE BEEF COW FIELD DAY REVEW AND PHOTOS.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - February 2018 Issue 152 Contents this issue: 2 NZHA President's Note. 3 Hereford Prime NZ.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - December 2017 Issue 151 Contents this issue: 1. Presidents Note 2.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - August 2017 Issue 149 Contents this issue: 1. Breaking News (SNP Technology) and SNP Service Providers 2.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - April 2017 Issue 147 Contents this issue: 1. President's Note AGM Minutes Download 2.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - December 2016 Issue 145 Contents this issue: 1. President's Note2.
The bi-monthly newsletter of the NZ Hereford Association - June 2016 Issue 142 Contents this issue: 2. NZHA President's Note3.